The Existential Sorrow of Bruce Willis at Twilight Finds a Touching Home in Sean O’Reilly’s Caged Supervillain Yarn
The Existential Sorrow of Bruce Willis at Twilight Finds a Touching Home in Sean O’Reilly’s Caged Supervillain Yarn
Pablo Larrain’s latest portrait of celebrity agony is a movie that feeds on the corpse it seeks to sanctify
The Passionate Amateurs of Dallas Punk Buy Themselves Another Round
With Her Feature Debut, Writer-Director Meghan Weinstein Earns a Million Likes.
Showcase for Young Talent Features Small Worlds and Diverse Pleasures, After All
On Disney’s Remade Warrior Princess, and Gong Li’s Face
Religious Two-Hander is Congenial But Could Have Been Incendiary
Oscar-nominated Director Stirs and Appalls with Another Unflinching War Film
How Quentin and Charlie are Brothers in Blood
Producer Cameron Crowe Tries to Document a Musical Story That Ain’t Over Yet