If you’ve found your way here, it’s invariably because you have a passion for movies.

We share that passion.

We’ve created this space so that we — and you — might have a home from which to explore the increasingly dynamic universe of visual storytelling free of hype, hysteria and glitz.

As we raise our voices, we will also seek to nurture new voices and give a voice to all who still believe that this astonishing art form — still in its infancy — matters.

Our goal is to make this site a daily destination for insights, observations and reportage you won’t find anywhere else; observations that will both provoke and inspire.

If you share our view that visual storytelling — in whatever form or venue — is an essential part of human experience and expression, then this is where you belong.

If you believe that our ever smaller, more fractious and contentious world has never been more in need of honest artistic voices, then this is where you belong.

If you have ever yearned for a community of like-minded cinephiles to collectively tilt at the windmills of conventional wisdom and plant the seeds of a new Renaissance, then this is where you belong.

It begins now.

This is your Pantheon.

Ye who enter are CineGods.